Our team of local and national experienced CAT adjusters continue to keep an eye on the destruction and the storm path. As the flood waters recede and further damage is realised, they are prepared to respond to the widespread damage. We have ensured our team is property licensed to provide aid in the area and our focus is on servicing clients and insurers in an orderly and timely manner.
For information on our CAT team and how to submit claims, please see below.

Photo Credit: Wall Street Journal
For Aviation Claims needs:
Please contact Bill Garcia of McLarens Aviation.
For Property Claims needs:
If you do not have a dedicated Account Adjuster, please send claims to our CAT Team Email or by phone, as shown below.
Email | CATteam@McLarens.com
Phone | +1 844 4 MCL CAT (+1 844 462 5228)
The U.S. National Catastrophe Team:
- National Property Director – Michael S. Beach (Chicago)
- National Catastrophe Coordinator – Bill Holland (New York)
- Northern California Earthquake Director – Chris Stafford (San Francisco)
- Southern California Earthquake Director – Fred Perez (Los Angeles)
- National Catastrophe Field Coordinator – Trent Gillette (Chicago)
- National Catastrophe Administrative Manager – Jonathon Scott (Dallas)