We spoke with Jenny Henson to learn more about her experience with McLarens and what attributed to her recognition in McLarens’ global employee award program, McLarens Platinum Circle.
What has been one of the most interesting or rewarding experiences you have had at McLarens?
I have had many rewarding experiences over the years, but my being nominated for the McLarens Platinum Circle is beyond rewarding! I enjoy helping our clients and my fellow colleagues. It’s fulfilling to help others and I truly enjoy working with our staff to make McLarens better every day. There are so many people in the company I have learned from and I hope I continue to grow and be an asset to our expanding company!
My most interesting experience to date was working as a McLarens One ambassador. Our team worked tirelessly to learn the intricacies of the claims management system and provide well-rounded training to our local offices. It was very rewarding to be part of a team that leads the industry in a solid system for our colleagues and clients.
Finally, I look forward to meeting my colleagues later this year in Dubai. It will be yet another rewarding experience to add to my list.
What do you like to do outside of work? Do you have a personal passion?
My family is most important to me. I’ve been married to my best friend for 10 years and we have three children who have my whole heart. My children’s interests and hobbies are in turn what I’m passionate about. Making their childhood exciting and memorable is my number one priority. I strive to be involved in their schools and their extracurricular activities. Finding that happy balance between work-life and home-life can be difficult at times, but I feel so blessed to work for a company who understands the importance of both!
What advice would you give someone starting out in this field or considering it as a career option?
My primary advice would be to have a strong work ethic and put pride into everything you do. Your quality work product will carry you farther than anything in this business. We are in a service industry and being proactive and prompt is appreciated and always well-received. Our company moto is “Quality is at the heart of McLarens.” I believe if you live that moto, you will be successful. I would encourage anyone looking at our industry to consider McLarens as their “home!”

Explore | McLarens Platinum Circle Winner: Jenny Henson
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