
McLarens: The Irish Market Review 2020 – 2021

To help keep you connected to the latest developments in insurance and claims, we are sharing The Irish Market Review 2020 – 2021, from Glenn Goggin, Managing Director – Ireland.

The report, available below, covers the following areas:

1. Legislative Developments both Oireachtas (Parliamentary) and Case Law
2. COVID-19
3. Brexit and Guidance for Claims Handling in Ireland 
4. Thought Leadership
 ·     Judicial Council and Personal Injuries Guidelines
·     Occurrence V Claims Made V Manifestation
5. Statistical Analysis
6. Case Law 
·     Professional Indemnity/Medical Malpractice
·     Public Liability
·     Employers Liability

Our previous technical bulletins and webinars are also available from the News section of

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McLarens: The Irish Market Review 2020 - 2021

To help keep you connected to the latest developments in insurance and claims, we are sharing The Irish Market Review 2020 – 2021, from Glenn Goggin, Managing Director – Ireland.