Oman Brunei Aviation Leasing Company SAOC (“OBALC”) and McLarens Aviation have entered into a comprehensive technical services contract that supports OBALC’s business platform and growth as an aircraft lessor. McLarens Aviation will provide a range of services including aircraft inspections, technical monitoring, and professional advice on the technical aspects of OBALC’s investments and transaction documentation.
Simon McLean, OBALC’s CEO, commented, “The principals at OBALC have a long history with and experience of McLarens Aviation and we are delighted to partner again with the McLarens team to provide our investor and airline clients with a full-service product.”
Nick Payne, Executive Director, Risk and Asset Management of McLarens Aviation, comments, “We recently celebrated our 50th year of trading at McLarens Aviation, which is testament to the industry leading services delivered by our dedicated team. We are extremely pleased to welcome OBALC as a client, who will be provided access to a wide range of on-demand technical asset management services to support the future growth of their aircraft portfolio.”
OBALC is Oman’s very first aircraft leasing company, specialising in the provision of tailored leasing, investment, asset management and remarketing solutions to leading airlines globally and investors. OBALC is owned by Oman Brunei Investment Company and the State General Reserve Fund of the Sultanate of Oman.
Airfinance Journal and MRO Network have published this release.

Press Release: OBALC Partners with McLarens Aviation for Technical Services
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