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Loss Adjuster / Liability Surveyor

Basile Vuillot

Loss Adjuster / Liability Surveyor


Basile holds a degree in Food Science Engineering – ARGO SUP DIJON (ENSBANA). Those years of studies led him to carry out a six-month research traineeship in University of Western Sydney (Australia) in 2000 as well as a two-month Labour Traineeship at EVIAN’s bottling plant and a six-month final internship at VOLVIC’s bottling plant as Quality Operator of a new production line.

Having obtained his degree in 2001, Basile joined CL SURVEYS, starting with two years at the LE HAVRE (main French port) office, followed by four years in RUNGIS (world food marketplace) near Paris. The quality control and cargo surveys held concerned mainly perishables goods (dry / fresh / frozen foods, pet food, pharmaceuticals, agricultural products).

In 2008, Basile joined AM GROUP (corporate member of TMN SURVEY GROUP International Surveyors’ Association), a branch of SARETEC specialised in Cargo Surveys, where he was in charge of the Paris office for about 2 years, handling claims related to all kinds of transported goods as well as pre-shipment operations.

As a cargo surveyor, Basile thus handled more than 1,000 claims.

In 2010, Basile joined Ciblexperts (formerly Polyexpert), specialised in liability, where he has since then been handling claims in various industry fields, in France and globally (India, USA, Italy, Belgium).


  • Defects of welding in automotive industry in Asia (4,7 M€)
  • Worldwide recall of vehicles further to production defects (43 M€)
  • Defective mechanical part in a new range of agricultural sprayer (1,3 M€)
  • Cylinder rod coating and reassembling implicated in a major port incident (3,5 M€)
  • Formulation defects in paint products leading to conservation defects (500 k€)
  • Pollution caused by a contaminated raw chemical material (8,7 M€)
  • Pollution in food products due to contamination of a component (2,5 M€)
  • Leaking weld in an aseptic bottling equipment for child food (450 k€)
  • Infestation of wood crate packages preventing their delivery (750 M€)
  • Stock of seeds damaged to during their storage treatment (1 M€)
  • Defective leather treatment preventing from selling the final products on US market (510 K€)
  • Inefficient protective concrete coatings in a wastewater treatment plant (450 K€)
  • Breakage of roof tiles leading to replacement on numerus sites (750 K€)

Office Address / Contact Information

49 Rue de Paris
CS 30054
92586 Clichy Cedex
Local Time:
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Engineering degree in Food Sciences - ENSBANA (Dijon – France) now AGRO SUP DIJON

Additional Expertise

Industrial Processes and Engineering, Food Industry Equipment and Products, Agricultural Industry Equipment and Products, Transport Industries (Road, Rail, Air, Sea), Automotive Industry & Equipment Manufacturers, Coatings, Paints, Surface Treatments, Clothes and Leather materials, Packaging and Conditioning, Pollution, Contamination, Storage Facilities, Hoist Equipment, Woods, Cargo

Adjuster Experience

23 years 2002