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Senior Adjuster

Chrismas Isa Benny de Lima

Senior Adjuster



  • Aerosol manufacturer. Fire claim to a warehouse building and damaged all content, machinery, and stocks within with an amount of (USD 2.5 Million)
  • Telecommunication company. EEI claim for telecommunication types of equipment (fiber-optic network) due to landslide with an amount of (USD 9 Million)
  • High building construction (Apartment). Fire claim to a powerhouse room and damaged all pieces of equipment within and affected some sections around the room with an amount of (USD 850 K)
  • An enamelware manufacturer. Flood claim was affected various stocks with an amount of (USD 170 K)
  • A public transportation company (airport). Fire claim to the one of power room and affected most of the pieces of equipment within with an amount of (USD 150 K)
  • A dyeing manufacturer. Water damage claim to the yarn stocks with an amount of (USD 120 K)
  • Furniture exporter. Fire claim to the warehouse building and damaged all stocks within with an amount of (USD 70 K)

Office Address / Contact Information

Ventura Bld 6th Floor
Jl. R.A. Kartini no. 26
Cilandak, Jakarta 12430
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Industry Certification

ICAP (Indonesian Certified Adjusting Practitioner), ACLA - Chartered Loss Adjuster


Bachelor of Engineering (Electrical)

Adjuster Experience

13 years 2012