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Senior Adjuster

Dylan Thomas

Senior Adjuster


Growing up on Film and TV sets as the daughter of a Stunt Woman, Dylan had an early interest in the workings of Productions. After graduating Magna Cum Laude with degrees in Visual Communications and Set Design from FIDM, Dylan began working in Film and Television production. Working her way up from a Production Assistant to a Prop Master, Dylan has experience in most departments on set from commercials to low budget projects to big budget films and TV series. Dylan made the transition to Independent Adjusting when hired on at a North American Loss Adjusting firm. At her first company, Dylan learned the ropes while working on small scale third property damage claims. Due to her experience, Dylan was familiar with damages that occur while working on set to locations, equipment, and props, along with familiarity of the equipment used by crew members.

As she continued to work for carriers handling property and equipment losses, Dylan also began working on small scale extra expense losses related to production shutdowns and delays. Dylan’s experience in the various departments allowed her to understand the documentation and records kept and how to analyze them. Once moved to McLarens, Dylan continued to work under Paul Gilbert to grow her work and portfolio in the Entertainment field. Dylan continues to work on First Party and Third Party Production Property Losses, but her focus is primarily handling entertainment audits for carriers such as Berkley, One Beacon/Intact, ProSight, and CBS/Viacom.


  • Production Company, Live Television Broadcast, Abandonment due to Covid and Gov’t Restrictions (USD 1 Million)
  • Production Company, Episodic Television Series, Cast Injury (USD 12 Million)
  • Production Company, Film, Cast Injury (USD 1 Million)
  • Production Company, Episodic Television Series, Cast Bereavement (USD 700 K)
  • Production Company, Music and Arts Festival, Wind (USD 500 K)
  • Production Company, Live Award Show, Impact Damage (USD 200 K)
  • Production Company, Reality Television Series, Fire (USD 700 K)
  • Production Company, Commercial, Travel Delays (USD 250 K)
  • Production Company, Episodic Television Series, Weather and Gov’t Restrictions (USD 600 K)
  • Production Company, Episodic Television Series, Civil Authority (USD 1.5 Million)

Office Address / Contact Information

500 W. Colorado St., Unit C
PMB 144
Glendale, CA 91204
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FIDM - Visual Communications, FIDM - Set Design


Additional Expertise

Film and Television Production Auditing, First and Third Party Property Damage related to Entertainment such as Locations and A/V Equipment

Adjuster Experience

8 years 2017