Gordon started in loss adjusting with Cunningham Hart in 1990. He was a Manager of Channel Islands for Cunningham Lindsey based in Guernsey from 1995 to 2000. He then became a Commercial Manager with Cunningham Lindsey Bristol from 2000 to 2010. Gordon was then the Business Development Manager for Cunningham Lindsey from 2010 to 2019. From 2019 to March 2021, he was the Business Development Director at Crawford and Co before becoming a Public Sector Lead for McLarens in March 2021.
Gordon is involved with the Chartered Insurance Institute of Bristol and Chartered Institute of Loss Adjusters.
- CAT experience in Carribean – Hurricane duty
- Flooding of multiple Housing Association properties in Tewkesbury totalling (£750 K)
- Major Loss school fires for both Gloucestershire County Council and Bath and North East Somerset Council
- Major Loss fires for University of Bristol and Major Loss Escape of Water claim for University of Cardiff
- Flooding of multiple properties on Longleat Estate and Ernest Cook Trust Estate totalling (£250 K)
- Major Loss – Malicious Damage and Theft at Commercial Factory premises – £750k
- Major Loss – Fire in Restaurant – MD and BI totalling £500k