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Executive Adjuster

Luc Talarico

Executive Adjuster


At the end of the previous century, after studying national and European community laws, Luc quickly turned to software development and information security technologies because he did not want to miss the train of the industrial revolution which, more than twenty years later, continues to open up the field of possibilities and commits us to taking up ever greater challenges to guarantee both the information security and its free circulation.

In 2007, Luc joined a loss adjusters firm and was promptly entrusted with the development of what was then a new field of expertise, first by personally handling amicable and/or contentious IT claims he was assigned to, then by recruiting and managing a multidisciplinary team.

At the end of 2014, Luc decided to return to operational management of IT projects. He then joined a software company dedicated to risk analysis where he worked as a consultant and project manager for insurers and other major companies.

At the same time and in parallel, he continued to act as an expert whenever he was directly and personally called upon to investigate high-stakes amicable or contentious cases.

In mid-2019, contacted by one of his former insurance expert colleagues to develop a pool of expertise dedicated to IT and cyber-risks, he joined the Polyexpert group and integrated its subsidiary Ciblexperts, to take his part in the Manderley brand adventure.


  • Delay and non-compliance of an ongoing worldwide ERP integration project – 655 million €
  • Failure and then abandonment of an ERP integration project dedicated to a regional cereal cooperative – 127 million €
  • Delay, disagreement on the scope of the contract and abandonment of an ERP project for a major French poultry producers’ association – 50 million €
  • Malfunction of a warehouse management software for one of the biggest logistic actors in the world – 35 million €
  • Cancellation or postponement of more than 1300 shows or other events due to the coronavirus pandemic and the widespread containment ordered by the French government from mid-March 2020.
  • Malfunction of a production management software in a food company specialized in the packaging and distribution of meat products – 14 million €
  • Delay, non-delivery and then abandonment of an ERP project for a consortium made up of the most important players in the sector and responsible for the collection, recycling and reuse of ink cartridges and toners – 6 million €
  • Malicious intrusion of a group of international hackers into an insurer’s information system – 4 million €
  • Malfunction during the transition to production of an ERP for a pharmaceutical supplies company – 3.5 million €
  • Infection of the information system by an unknown crypto virus (ransomware) in the car dealerships of a major French company – 3 million €

Office Address / Contact Information

49 Rue de Paris
CS 30054
92586 Clichy Cedex
Local Time:
Local Date:


Baccalauréat Literary Series with Cinema and Audiovisual Specialization, Master’s Degree in French Law, Master’s Degree in European Law

Additional Expertise

IT Professional Liability (ERP project, Outsourcing…), Cyber Risks (Ransomware, Intrusion, Data breach/loss…), Information security, Incident Response, Intellectual property, Special Risks (Show, Event, Audio-visual, Fine Arts, Advertising impact…), Software development, Hardware maintenance, Operating losses analysis

Adjuster Experience

18 years 2007