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Senior Account Handler

Nicole Parker

Senior Account Handler


Nicky entered the insurance industry in 1986 when joining a small general insurance broker straight from school. Nicky moved to a larger broker in 1990 dealing with car, equine and household insurance.

Nicky’s career in the claims sector began in 2002 with a role at GAB Robins Loss Adjusters. In 2004 Nicky joined Cunningham Lindsey to handle claims for large real estate portfolios, liaising with property owners, managing agents, brokers and insurers within this specialist market. During her time with Cunningham Lindsey Nicky’s roles included managing a small claims team for a residential scheme and relationship management within the real estate field with responsibility for service delivery, MI reporting and claims management.

In 2018 Nicky joined McLarens as a senior account handler to deal with and oversee claims for real estate brokers, establishing relationships with all parties and ensuring effective claims management and processes.

Office Address / Contact Information

Ground Floor, Ford House
31-34 Railway Street
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Additional Expertise

Real Estate

Adjuster Experience

39 years 1986