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Marine Manager

Ong Eng Chi

Marine Manager


Prior to joining McLarens Singapore in 2010, Ong Eng Chi was with a Local Marine Cargo Surveyors company, Singapore Maritime Adjusters Pte Ltd (from 1989 to 1991). During this tenure, he handled general cargoes and agricultural products survey on behalf of Cargo Underwriters and Carriers.

He joined the Japanese surveying company, Nippon Kaiji Kentei Kyokai between 1991 to 2010 as a Senior Surveyor, performing cargo damage survey for major Japanese Cargo Underwriters; i.e Tokio Marine and Fire, Nipponkoa, MSIG, Sompo Insurance, as well as some Taiwan and Thailand’s Cargo Underwriters (Mingtai Fire, First Insurance, Sri Muang, Bangkok Insurance, etc). His duties include outturn survey of imported cargoes; pre-shipment inspection; and independence survey on behalf of consignees and consignors. The claims he handled include loss investigation of air/ sea freight cargoes and damage to various types of steel products (structural steels, steel coils & pipes) machinery and equipment meant for project purposes.

In 2010, he joined McLarens Singapore as a Marine Manager attending to cargo damage surveys for both local and overseas marine cargo underwriters.

Office Address / Contact Information

61 Robinson Road
#09-01, 61 Robinson
Singapore 068893
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Additional Expertise

Cargo Survey

Adjuster Experience

36 years 1989

Language Skills

English, Mandarin