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Loss Adjuster

Philippe Lamidieu

Loss Adjuster


Philippe holds a degree in Engineering from the National School of Industrial Ceramics (ENSCI) in Limoges, a DEA in ceramic materials sciences and a PhD in materials sciences, delivered by the Limoges University.

Philippe began his career as a contract researcher at the CNRS before joining the Carbone Lorraine Group (now Mersen), where he successively held for 9 years the responsibilities of pilot laboratory manager, quality manager and then hot composites and treatments service manager, in which he developed the carbon / carbon composite braking business for aeronautics (Airbus).

He joined the Thomson Group for 7 years, where he was in charge of Thomson Videoglass Composition Fusion and Forming activities, during which time he participated in the rebuilding of several glass furnaces, to ISO 9001 certifications, ISO 14001 and OHSAS and accomplished multiple productivity projects.

He then worked for 7 years as Production Line Manager in the manufacture of automotive glazing at Rioglass and then Prevent Glass, tier II equipment manufacturers for Renault and Volvo. and tier I companies in the Volkswagen Group.

In parallel, he led a project to design and manufacture parabolic mirrors in the field of solar energy.

Since 2012, Philippe joined the teams at Ciblexperts (formerly Polyexpert) as expert mainly involved in the fields of materials, networks and industrial processes.

Office Address / Contact Information

49 Rue de Paris
CS 30054
92586 Clichy Cedex
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Engineering degree from ENSCI (Limoges), DEA in Ceramic Materials Science, PhD in Materials Science

Additional Expertise

Industrial Process Engineering, Industry and Equipment Manufacturers, Automobile, Glass and ceramic industries, Ceramics Composites Plastics Glass Carbon, Iron and steel industry Foundry Metallurgy, Breakage of materials, corrosion, Paints, Floor coverings, Joinery Locksmith Glazing, Renewable energies Solar panels, Heating - Air Conditioning, Heat & refrigeration networks, Stationery Printing

Adjuster Experience

13 years 2012