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Adjuster Personal Injury Claims

Simone Scholing

Adjuster Personal Injury Claims


More than 20 years ago, Simone started in a supportive administrative position for personal injury adjusters at Van Kouterik Personenschade, now Dekra Personenschade. Over the years, she was trained both internally and externally to become a claims handler and Personal Injury Adjuster. Simone has experience in cirumstantial investigations and handling various claims, including private claims (AVP), traffic claims, foreign claims, corporate liability (including handling personal injury claims from customers and employees off a large supermarket chain in the Netherlands), employers liability and medical liability.

Office Address / Contact Information

McLarens BV
Utrecht Office
Groenewoudsedijk 50
3528 BK Utrecht
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NIBE-SVV and OSR, symposia and congresses related to medical liability, medical subject insurances, employers' liability and assessment of damages. Simone has completed the training programme for NIVRE registration.

Additional Expertise

Personal injury, circumstantial investigations, liability for companies and professional liability for healthcare professionals.

Adjuster Experience

25 years 2000

Language Skills
